Monday, February 23, 2009

Application Deadline **FRIDAY**

Just wanted to remind you all that the application deadline is set for this Friday, February 27th! Please get your applications in. If you are worried about mailing it and it still getting here on time, contact me and we can work something out. Thanks!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Here is the application for the teams. You can click on the images and make the application larger and then you can print it. If you have trouble with that, please email me and I can send you a copy. Thanks!

Rules and Regulations

To make the images bigger, just click on them. You should be able to print them once you make them larger. If you are still having trouble viewing them, email me or leave a comment and I can send you a copy. Thanks!


BIG Special Thank You to our Sponsors this year:

Bank of Lincoln County
Carter's Drug Store
Farm Bureau Insurance
Higgins Funeral Home

Check out their links on the sidebar and go visit our sponsors. Thanks again sponsors!